Brief Intro/Introduction
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Brief Intro/Introduction
Voyage Event Design was founded in 2011 and
has been striving forward in a changeable market.
With “consistency” as its brand culture,
Voyage Event Design customizes the design services
to meet the needs of customers.
Rich experience in advertising, weddings, entertainment,
new media, etc., combined with excellent scene arrangement
and creative planning at home and abroad, help form its
unique planning aesthetic style.
Over the years, with professional attitude, excellent execution,
creativity and one-stop service, Voyage Event Design has established
a good reputation in the market. Its team is full of energy
and passion and focus on individual professional cultivation.
With the passion and core concepts for the business ,
it aims to create a dazzling case of creativity, service and visual effects.
Voyage Event Design has an exclusive prop warehouse,
with an area of 1500 square meters, fully equipped with
professional lights and videos.
Strong material support makes
Voyage Event Design more competitive in the market.
The core is creativity !
During 2014~2016, Voyage Event Design has expanded and
implemented a few more business scopes:
Global Event (one-stop wedding),
Reflection Salon (ceremonial clothing & wedding dress),
V Cake (dim sum design),
Voyage (fashion design, marriage product design)
So far, Voyage Event Design has expanded its business
to overseas and celebrities.
With internet marketing advantage and multiple offline activities,
it realizes the sharing of resources and develops with
a steady pace in a changeable market.
“ Voyage Event Design discovers beauty with an artistic eye
and enhances the value with a professional spirit. ”
Consulting Solution